Commitment to climate protection

Our business deals with chemical reactions.

In a chemical reaction, elements, products, quantity, quality, time, temperature, etc. are variables governed by know-how, expertise, and the use of data.

A recipe leads to a result.

Another recipe leads to a different result./Any change to that recipe gives rise to a new recipe.

Awareness of the recipes, knowledge of the variables, and measurement of the results guarantee increasingly higher quality products.

Based on this scientific approach and practical mindset we have decided to embark on a new direction to improve an important aspect of our business:

climate impact in terms of equivalent CO2 generated by our consumption of electricity, methane and fuel.

Our commitment to respect and protect our planet and future of our children is real, while many other companies just declare it “in words” and do not actually put it into practice.

We are part of those businesses who prefer to inform their customers on how they should proceed, and we do so in this section. / Like few others, in this section we preferred to inform our customers on how we intend to proceed.

What is the path we have chosen, what are the tools we have equipped ourselves with and the goals we have set ourselves?
To guarantee the consistency of the path, we will be supported by a specialist with industrial experience, an E.G.E. (Energy Management Expert) certified according to UNI CEI 11339. 

Sostenibilità3 1

First of all, we are aware that we will really do our part to ensure a better environment by reducing our energy needs.

This will be our main and continuous direction, as far as possible according to the technological, management and economic constraints that we will try to follow and adapt to the purpose.

We are aware that the need to offset the remaining emissions, for example, by purchasing electricity with Guarantees of Origin from Renewable Sources, will still be a complementary strategy to be applied.

Plan strategy to reduce our energy needs


Acquire awareness of our current energy consumption structure with an Energy Diagnosis according to the non-mandatory guidelines published by ENEA for SMEs.


Define the Energy Performance Index useful as a control and work tool for virtuous management.


Define the possible management or plant engineering improvement actions, with an estimate of their reduction impact


Define the timetable of implementing the actions identified and the annual objectives for reducing consumption with respect to a comparison year taken as a baseline.


Annual reassessment and enhancement of the results in equivalent tons of CO2

Certificato "io sono verde dentro"

Download the certificate of origin of electricity


Packaging Materials

Click on the button below and discover the materials of our packaging (ITA)

Packaging Material